Mentoring and Coaching across TV & Wessex

Mentoring is a powerful personal development tool which enables people to learn from their own experiences, improve performance and maximise their potential. The focus is on long-term career and personal development.

The Thames Valley and Wessex Leadership Academy Mentoring Scheme provides individuals with the opportunity to spend time on a regular basis with a trained and experienced mentor from within the NHS.

Coaching is an extremely effective form of personal development that helps individuals move forward with a particular situation, or in their careers. It provides short-term and focused on specific development areas/issues or goals at work.

The Thames Valley and Wessex Coaching scheme provides individuals with the opportunity to spend time on a regular basis with a trained and experienced coach from within the NHS.

Mentoring and Coaching is available and free for all NHS staff within Thames Valley and Wessex.  The schemes provide a high quality, confidential service to match you with an appropriate and trained mentor or coach.

Find out more

Published: 21 August 2016