Who are Governors?

Our Council of Governors is the voice of the people we serve, and it helps set our priorities and shape our services, based on our members’ views. You need to be a member of the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust in order to be considered for election as a governor.

The Council of Governors is chaired by the Chairman of the Trust and comprises 28 elected governors and 8 appointed governors.

28 elected governors

The elected governors are elected by the members of our Foundation Trust, for a term not exceeding three years. They represent the view of the Members on the Council Members.

8 appointed governors

The appointed Governors are appointed by named partner and stakeholder organisations for a term not exceeding three years.

Different governors represent the voice of the public, patients, carers and staff members from different geographical areas.

Non-urgent advice: Become a governor

Governor elections are held annually.

Annual General Meeting

The Trust’s Annual Members’ and General Meeting (AGM) is held once a year and focuses on the presentation to our Governors of the formal annual report and statutory accounts, with the opportunity for governors, members and others to ask questions.

What does a governor do?

As a foundation trust, our governors play a very important role in how we are run. By law, the governors:

  • appoint, remove and decide terms of office (including remuneration) of the Chair and other Non-Executive Directors​
  • approve the appointment of the Chief Executive (CEO)​
  • appoint or remove the Trust Auditors​
  • review the annual accounts, Auditor’s Report and Annual Report and hold an Annual General Meeting​
  • present views on the Board of Directors’ future plans​

Other responsibilities

  • represent the interests and views of our Trust Members in their constituency​
  • play an ambassadorial role, representing the interests of the Trust and adhering to its values​
  • assist with Member recruitment​
  • contribute content for our Member communications, surveys and consultations​
  • attend Member meetings, events and talks​
  • attend local events on behalf of the Trust​
  • provide an important link with the local community​

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Page last reviewed: 10 February, 2022