Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF)

Every day more than a million people are treated safely in the NHS. Occasionally, things go wrong, an unexpected event occurs or there is a near miss which could potentially have resulted in harm to a patient.

Improving the safety of care

To support the NHS to further and continually improve the safety of care, all providers are preparing for the introduction of the new Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF).

PSIRF is part of the national Patient Safety Strategy and represents a significant cultural change in the way the NHS responds and learns from patient incidents.

We have worked on introducing a series of changes throughout 2023 and following agreement from our local Integrated Care Boards we will transition to PSIRF from December 2023.

Learning from incidents

We recognise the significant impact incidents have on patients and their families and carers, and also staff.

Getting involvement, engagement and support right with patients and families in how we respond and learn from incidents is essential so that we make the changes that matter and improve care.

PSIRF does not change our obligation or commitment to comply with Duty of Candour requirements.

A just and learning culture

The introduction of PSIRF is part of our commitment to developing a just and learning culture, building openness and transparency, ensuring everyone is treated fairly and that we learn from mistakes, incidents and errors.

The four key aims of PSIRF are:

  • Compassionate engagement and involvement of those affected by patient safety incidents
  • Application of a range of system-based approached to learning from patient safety incidents
  • Considered and proportionate responses to patient safety incidents
  • Supportive oversight focused on strengthening how we learn and apply improvements

The reviews and investigations we undertake will focus on areas we can have the greatest impact and make the most improvements.

Learn more

For more information about PSIRF please visit the NHS England PSIRF website. Below is a short video by NHS England to explain more:

Our approach and response plan

We are pleased to share our Approach to implementing the PSIRF and our Incident Response Plan for the next year. Both documents will be kept under review and amended as needed. Our plan details the local safety priorities identified with our key stakeholders to focus on this year.

Non-urgent advice: Support and further information

If you have suffered harm whilst in the care of Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, we are sorry. We commit to being open and honest when looking into what happened, we will offer you support and signposting to services as needed and look at what learning we can identify to inform changes.

If you need support, or wish to discuss the care you or your loved one received from us, please contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 0800 328 7971 or by email on

If you have any questions about PSIRF or the information on this page please get in touch with our patient safety team on

Patient Safety Incident Response Framework leaflet

We have produced a leaflet detailing the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework which you can read online or download as a PDF.

Accessible online leaflet

OH 020.24 Patient Safety Incident Response Framework  – PDF

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