Useful resources

On this page you can share and access resources that are useful to you. Many of these ideas have been kindly donated by people across Oxfordshire.

Accessible information
Title Description Format
Accessible information toolkit  A practical guide to making the information you produce accessible.  PDF
Creating information A flow chart to help you decide the type and style of information you may need to create for someone.  PDF
Easy read words Writing accessible information: tips on making your words easier to understand.  PDF
Easy read sentences Writing accessible information documents: tips on making your sentences easier to understand.  PDF
Communication passports
Title Description Format
Making a communication passport A description of what a communication passport is and why you would make one.  PDF
Communication passport questionnaire A questionnaire for making a communication passport.  PDF
Communication passport example An example of a simple communication passport on one A4 sheet.  PDF
Communication passport A4 template A template of the simple communication passport on one A4 sheet. This can be made up and used for any individual.  Word
Communication passport A5 example An example of a more detailed communication passport in A5.  PDF
Communication passport example  A template of the A5 sized communication passport. This can be made up and used for any individual.  Word
Detailed communication passport example Another example of a detailed communication passport in A5.  PDF
Communication passport A4 template  A template of the A5 sized communication passport. This can be made up and used for any individual.  Word
Detailed communication passport example An example of a detailed communication passport in A4.  PDF
Communication passport A4 template A template of the detailed A4 sized communication passport. This can be made up and used for any individual.  Word
Communication passport A5 template A template of the A5 booklet sized communication passport. This can be made up and used for any individual.  Publisher
Communication passport A5 template A template of the detailed A5 sized communication passport. This can be made up and used for any individual.  Word
Gesture and body language
Title Description Format
How to make a Personal Communication dictionary  A guide to making a Personal Communication Dictionary (or Personal Gesture Dictionary) to describe the meanings of specific non-verbal behaviours of an individual.  PDF
Hospital passports
Title Description Format
Hospital Passport  A Hospital passport to be filled in for any individual and taken with them each time they go to the hospital.  PDF
Hospital Passport A Hospital passport to be filled in for any individual and taken with them each time they go to the hospital (editable version).  Word
Intensive interaction
Title Description Format
Intensive Interaction  An introduction to Intensive Interaction.  PDF
Legislation, policies and guidelines
Title Description Format
Valuing People (2001) Government White Paper (external link) PDF
Valuing People (2009) Government White Paper (external link) PDF
Disability Discrimination Act Guidance on matters to be taken into account in determining questions relating to the definition of disability (external link) PDF
Mencap (2010) Mencap Communication Guidelines (external link) PDF
Communication Bill of Rights An easy read adaptation of the Communication Bill of Rights PDF
Linkert scales
Title Description Format
Linkert scale  A helpful tool to support service users to communicate their wants, needs and emotions non-verbally.  PDF
Title Description Format
The 5 Communication Standards The 5 Communication Standards for Oxfordshire Total Communication. PDF
Speech and language development chart  A compilation of relevant developmental stages for speech, language and understanding. Image
 How to use resources Helpful guide on making the most out of resources. PDF
Title Description Format
Using objects of reference An easy guide to using objects of reference. PDF
Objects of reference policies An explanation of the policies and procedures for using objects as a reference. PDF
Photos, pictures and symbols
Title Description Format
OTC symbol pack  The first Total Communication symbol pack, royalty-free. Zip archive
Taking a good photo Tips on how to take a good photo. PDF
Sensory room
Title Description Format
Sensory room information Advice and ideas on making the most of a sensory room. PDF
Sensory referencing Ideas on how to use sensory referencing. PDF
Title Description Format
Signing Information on signing with people with learning difficulties. PDF
Story telling
Title Description Format
Sarah goes swimming A ready to use interactive story. All you need are the props! PDF
The Snowman A ready to use interactive story. All you need are the props! PDF
Visual timetables
Title Description Format
First and Then ‘First and Then’ Strip for taking out and about. Image
First and Then (large) Large ‘First and Then’Strip for people with visual impairment or using at home. PDF
Making a ‘First and Then’ strip A guide to making and using a ‘First and Then’ Strip. Word
Making timetables How to make a visual timetable. PDF
Using timetables  How to use visual timetables. PDF
Simple daily timetable A template of a simple daily timetable. PDF
A4 timetable template A template of an A4 daily timetable. PDF
A3 timetable template A template of an A3 daily timetable. PDF
Simple weekly template A template of a simple weekly timetable. PDF
A3 weekly template A template of an A3 weekly timetable. PDF
A4 visual example An example of an A4 visual timetable. PDF
A4 visual example An example of an A4 visual timetable. PDF
A4 visual template A template for making a simple A4 sized visual timetable. This can be made up and used for any individual. Word
Daily template Visual daily timetable resource. PDF
Staff rota example An example of a visual Staff Rota. PDF

You can also contact us by phone or email to obtain the resources above.

If you have never used any of these resources before, we recommend you contact us and we can help you get started, and let you know of any useful training coming up.

Note: We do not take any responsibility for the content of the resources listed above.

To find out how you can help us expand our list of resources, visit our Resources needed page.

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