Neurodevelopmental conditions

What we do

The Neuro-developmental Diagnostic Clinic (NDC) is one of the specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).

The NDC offers diagnostic assessment of autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), as well as other neuro-developmental conditions.

Following a diagnosis, parent Autism and ADHD groups are offered. We do not offer ongoing support for children and families who meet the criteria for other CAMHS services, however in some cases, discrete pieces of intervention or therapeutic work can be offered to families whose needs cannot be met within the other CAMHS services.

A consent form will be sent prior to the assessment. By attending the appointment, you are agreeing to the assessment of a neurodevelopmental condition. This is irrespective of the reason for the initial referral.

Non-urgent advice: Support events

Living Well with Neurodiversity – new support service for families

Following feedback from parents, carers and young people, the Oxon CAMHS NDC and Neuropsychiatry Services and Autism Oxford have developed a new support service for families. Autism Oxford will be delivering a range of support to parents and young people across the county who are either waiting to be seen by, or accessing treatment from or accessing treatment from any Oxfordshire CAMHS Service.

One parent fed back: “It was good to be invited to join Living Well with Neurodiversity – while we’re on the waiting list for assessment.”

Another said: “The website is easy to navigate and I have read a number of the resources and looked at the presentations. The one on emotional regulation was particularly good.”


The Essentials

This is a programme of 4 sessions run weekly covering the basics of autism and ADHD hosted virtually for parents/carers of young people of all ages.


A monthly workshop that will have a general theme, such as PDA, Emotional Regulation, and life coaching for parent carers. These will be co delivered by a clinician or education professional alongside a Peer Support Practitioner. There will also be webinar’s online for you to view in your own time.

Brief advice drop in – for everyone

“Parent’s evening” style sessions where parents can book a maximum of 3 slots with various professionals. Once a month face to face (rotating around the county) and once a month virtual.

Living Well with Neurodiversity – support group for parents

Each session has key themes and is peer led to get the conversation started but this is very much an informal sharing space of lived experience top tips and a safe space to listen to other parents / carers who are experiencing the same situations and for yourself to join in if you feel comfortable. The clinician will post any links or useful websites and resources into the chat during the session.

Just for us – peer group for young people at Grange Court, Abingdon

This is our young person offer open to all ages. We offer a safe space for the young people to share openly away from their parents. This is run by our peer support practitioners with clinical support onsite.

These are held monthly and run at Grange Court in Abingdon.


These sessions will be held virtually once every other month in the evening where you will have 20 minutes to speak to a professional on a one-to-one basis.

This support is available for any family who are working  with any Oxfordshire CAMHS service. If your child is waiting for an assessment or has accessed an assessment.

Self-help resources

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Page last reviewed: 13 June, 2023