Meeting papers

29 March 2017

00_BOD-Agenda_March 2017_clean

25(i)_BOD_Mins_22 Feb 2017 v.1b

25(ii)_BOD_Summary of Actions from 22 Feb 2017

26(i)_BOD_Chief Executive update_March 2017

26(ii)_BOD_ Appendix 1 CE Report Legal Regulatory Policy Update March 2017 v2

27(i)_BOD_Chief Operating Officers Report March 2017

27(ii)_BOD_COO Report – supporting data Month 11

28_BOD_TB Quality Account update March 2017

29_BOD_Quality Report Safety – Incidents and Patient Safety Report Q3 16-17 v4_PUBLICATION

30_BOD_Inpatient nurse staffing levelsjan

30 Jan to 26 Feb 2017

31 Finance Report FY17 M12 public v2

32(i)_BOD Report Coversheet for Performance report 29.03.17 V1

32(ii)_BOD_SOF to Feb 2017 Performance Summary for Board v1

32(iii)_BOD_SOF Table Feb 2016-17 Board Appendix v1

33(i)_BOD_Workforce Performance ReportCoverSheet – March 2017

33(ii)_BOD_Workforce Performance Report – Feb 2017 Finished


35(i)_BOD_Oxford Health 2017 BoD Report Coversheet R and D March 2017

35(ii)_BOD_RD Board Report March 2017 DRAFT v1 09 March 2017

36(i)_BOD_Coversheet_Constitution_and_Engagement_Policy v.3

36(ii)_BOD_CoG_Constitution v.2_20_03_17_PENDING BOARD APPROVAL

36(iii)_BOD_CoG_Engagement Policy

37_BOD_Sealing March 2017 v.2

38_BOD_Gifts&Hospitality Reg – Nov 2016-March 2017 v.3

39_BOD_FIC Minutes_31 January 2017_v.1b

40_BOD_QC Minutes 08 February 2017 v2

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Page last reviewed: 9 November, 2017