Digital Strategy
Digital Health and Care Strategy 2021-26
Oxford Health’s Digital Health and Care Strategy has been developed to define how digital ways of working and technologies can be used over the coming years to improve:
Our ambition
The Trust is ambitious to be the best provider of its kind in the country – a leading provider of mental health and community healthcare services – working towards realising the Trust’s five year organisational strategy. A key element of this will be harnessing the best of modern technology.
The strategy is underpinned by a ‘digital health approach’ – increasing the use of digital technology to improve the quality of healthcare outcomes and to enhance the health and wellbeing of local populations.
Strategy themes
From this approach, the strategy has four themes:
1. Digital empowerment
Supporting the digital empowerment of people who use our services and their family and carers.
2. Digital culture
Embedding a digital organisational culture and approach.
3. Digital foundation
Building and maintaining an effective and resilient digital foundation.
4. Research, collaboration and insight
Further developing our research, collaboration and innovation capabilities.
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