Courses available
Please find below a list of all of the training courses available via Oxford Health Libraries. To book onto a training session, please fill out the Training Request Form.
Introduction to Oxford Health Library Services
Who is this for?
This session is for all Oxford Health staff, whatever their role.
It aims to show you the full range of library services and resources available from Oxford Health Libraries.
What will you learn?
- An increased awareness and understanding of how the library can support you in work, study, or CPD
- Awareness of the full range of services provided, from traditional “lending” library services to more specialised services including literature searching, support for journal clubs, horizon scanning, and critical appraisal training
- The benefits of registering for NHS OpenAthens and you will be given the opportunity to sign up for an account
- How to search for books and e-books via the SWIMS Library Catalogue.
Literature Searching and accessing journal articles
Who is this for?
This session is for all Oxford Health staff, and particularly those expected to conduct literature or evidence searches.
It aims to give you the skills to undertake effective and systematic literature searches. Such searches can foster evidence based practice, improve care plans for patients, and enhance research activities and service development within the Trust.
What will you learn?
- How to register for an NHS OpenAthens account
- The differences in locating a specific article using its formal citation and finding a number of articles on a specific topic (e.g. dementia)
- An increased awareness of what to consider when planning a systematic and thorough literature search (including how to apply PICO; utilise keywords, synonyms, truncation, wildcard, or phrase searching; and how to apply Boolean Operators and limits to your search)
- The differences between Keyword Searching and MeSH/Thesaurus Searching, and the value and advantages of each
- How to run systematic searches across a range of databases (including BNI, CINAHL, MEDLINE, HMIC, PsycINFO and Cochrane)
- How to use a citation to locate the full text of articles from a database search
- The benefits of citation searching, hand searching key journals and locating grey literature.
Critical Appraisal
Who is this for?
This session is for all Oxford Health staff, particularly those who need to undertake effective critical appraisal of articles.
The course aims to deliver the skills to assess the value of journal articles, reports, RCTs, etc., in order to foster evidence based practice, improve care plans for patients, and enhance research activities and service developments within the Trust.
What will you learn?
- What critical appraisal is and what the benefits and key features of critical appraisal are
- The different levels of evidence within health research
- Awareness of the different critical appraisal checklists available (e.g. CASP checklists)
- The key points to consider when conducting critical appraisal, and how these points vary within different types of paper and publication including:
- randomised controlled trials
- qualitative research
- systematic reviews
Reference Management
Who is this for?
This session is for all Oxford Health staff, particularly those expecting to write formal, professional, or academic reports.
It aims to give you the skills needed to manage bibliographic references, cite articles, and make use of the EndNote Web software to manage your references.
What will you learn?
- The benefits of using reference management software packages, particularly EndNote Web.
- Differences between EndNote Desktop and EndNote Web, and how to access both EndNote Desktop and EndNote Web.
- How to manually insert references, and how to import references from a database search into EndNote Web
- Organising and searching for references in Endnote Web
- How to create and format bibliographies and citations in Microsoft Word, using data stored in EndNote Web
Journal Clubs
Who is this for?
This session is for all teams or groups within Oxford Health.
Journal Clubs aim to provide an informal setting to enable staff to develop their searching and critical appraisal skills, and provide a regular forum to discuss service improvements.
OHFT Libraries can provide support for staff journal clubs. Please see our Journal Club page for more information on this service.
Page last reviewed: 19 January, 2024