Outcomes of treatment
The average length of stay is 13 weeks.
BMI gain is very variable, reflecting the different targets for individual patients. The great majority of patients reach the discharge BMI that has been agreed between them, their referring team and the Cotswold House team.
Patients not opting to recover to a normal BMI will have a lower discharge BMI, and for patients wishing to recover the discharge BMI will be determined by the level of support that can be provided by local services, as well as other social and family factors. With the agreement of referrers, we offer patients the opportunity to maintain their BMI at the target level for 2 weeks before discharge.
The readmission rate varies from 10% (for patients aiming for recovery and attaining a BMI of at least 18.5) to 50% (for patients leaving against the clinical advice of Cotswold House and their home team). The data indicates that a good outcome at discharge equates to a good outcome 6 months later.
We have found significant improvements in self esteem, eating disorder symptons and general mental health, particularly depression and anxiety.
EDE-Q and CORE scores are reduced by inpatient treatment. 43% of inpatients are below threshold for the eating concern subscale by the end of treatment compared to 5% at the start. Reductions in other subscales are more modest; however for some this indicates a lack of insight, often coupled with cognitive impairment, at the time of completing the admission questionnaires, which give scores that do not equate well with the clinical picture.
Page last reviewed: 21 August, 2017