Wokingham GP Alliance has delivered a primary-care led integrated paramedic home visiting model. .. reducing demand on GP workload, … improved patient experience, and led to better management of pressures on other parts of the local health and care system.
Wokingham paramedic home visiting model, NHS England
The Primary Care Workforce Commission recommended that general practices should consider more opportunities to use the skills of paramedics in primary care. There is growing recognition that the generalist skills of the paramedic could be deployed into more widespread in-hours general practices. This may include running clinics, triaging and managing minor illnesses, and providing continuity for patients with complex health needs. Read about the growing potential of Paramedics in General Practice here.
More information on the NHS Health Careers Paramedic page.
The College of Paramedics recognises the increase of Paramedics working in primary care. They have partnered with Health Education England and Skills for Health to produce the Paramedic Specialist in Primary and Urgent Care Core Capabilities Framework, a Diploma in Primary and Urgent Care and an Employers Guide for Paramedics in Primary and Urgent Care.
The HEE ‘Roadmap to Practice’ provides a clear educational pathway from undergraduate to advanced practice for paramedics wishing to pursue a career in primary care.
The e-Learning for Healthcare platform includes a programme of bite sized Paramedic e-Learning developed by the College of Paramedics.
The HEE Wessex Paramedics page include links to a Guide for General Practice Employing a Paramedic compiled by Fareham and Gosport and South Eastern Hampshire CCGs which outlines the role of paramedics, how they work, where they fit into general practice and their scope of practice.
Wessex Primary Care Training Hubs have published Independent Prescribing and Paramedics: FAQs (June 2019), a quick reference to provide answers to some of the more common questions raised about changes to regulations around paramedic prescribing in primary care.
The CPD Zone is brought to you by the GP schools of Health Education England working across Thames Valley and Wessex, in association with Oxford Health FT Library.
Page last reviewed: 12 February, 2021