Meeting papers

30 November 2022

The meeting starts at 9 am on Wednesday, 3o November 2022

The Trust has taken the decision not to hold an in-person Board meeting in public due to COVID-19, in order to protect the health of Board members, Governors, staff, Trust members, the public, and all those who would normally attend a meeting in public; the meeting is instead being held remotely.

However, we are opening up the meeting to observers – please click this link to join the meeting shortly before 09:00 on Wednesday, 30 November (you may then be held in the meeting lobby until an organiser accepts you to the meeting).

00_BOD_Agenda_30 Nov 2022 v.1d

Easy Read Agenda November 2022

67_BOD_Patient story Board Cover Sheet Jan 2022 (002) v.2

68(i)_BOD_Draft Minutes 28 September 2022 v.1c_AMENDED AFTER MEETING

68(ii)_BOD_Summary of Actions_September 2022

69_BOD_Trust Chair’s report_Nov 2022

70_BOD_CEO Board Report 301122

71(i)_BOD_IPR and IPR Supporting Report Coversheet – Nov 2022 FINAL

71(ii)_BOD_Integrated Performance Report – Nov 2022 (Oct data unless stated otherwise) – FINAL v2

72_BOD_Finance Board Report M7 FY23 v.2

73_BOD_Oxford Health 2022 BoD Report Staff vaccination Campaign 2022 final

74(i)_BOD_Oxford Health 2022 BoD BRC Committee Governance Nov 2022

74(ii)_BOD_Oxford Health BRC Committee ToR

75_BOD_Research and NIHR_November 2022

76_BOD_FTSUG Annual BOD Report Oct 2021 Sept 2022 with coversheet – final

77_BOD_Oxford Health 2022 Quality and Safety of services update Nov 2022

78_BOD_TB PSI Report Nov 2022 V2

79(i)_BOD_Health and Safety coversheet_2022

79(ii)_BOD_Health and Safey Board Report Oct 2022

80(i)_BOD_2022_10_31 EPRR Oxford Health 2021 BoD Report Coversheet

80(ii)_BOD_2022_10_31 EPRR Annual Report

81(i)_BOD_Modern Slavery Act_Coversheet_ Nov2281(ii)_BOD_MODERN SLAVERY ACT TRANSPARENCY STATEMENT 2022 v2 Final following consultation

81(ii)_BOD_MODERN SLAVERY ACT TRANSPARENCY STATEMENT 2022 v2 Final following consultation

82_BOD_Sealing Register November 2022

83_BOD_Gifts Hospitality Register_ from July 2022 – Nov 2022

84_BOD_Legal Regulatory Update_Nov 22 v1.0

RR_App_57(i)_Directors Interests Coversheet Nov 2022

RR_App_57(ii)_Register_Directors_Interests_Nov 2022

RR_App_58_BOD_Quality & Safety Dashboard Nov 2022

RR_App_60_BOD_AC_Audit Committee Minutes 14 September 2022 v.1c

RR_App_61_BOD_Nov 22_Charity Committee Annual Report 2021_22

RR_App_62(i)_BOD_FIC_ 20 September FIC Minutes_draft_v1_approved

RR_App_63_BOD_MH&LC Minutes 27 July 2022

RR_App_64_BOD_MH&LC_Annual Report 2021-22_v2

RR_App_65(i)_BOD_QC_Minutes 15 September 2022_v3a_approved

RR_App_66(i)_BOD_Legal Regulatory Update_Appendix_Nov22

RR_App_66(ii)_BOD_BAF_November 2022 v.2_for publication

RR_App_66(iii)_BOD_Communications report OCT 22 STATS

RR_App_66(iv)_BOD_Board Impact Reporting – Nov 2022

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Page last reviewed: 16 December, 2022