Meeting papers

28 July 2021

Wednesday, 28 July 2021 from 9:00am

The Trust has taken the decision not to hold an in-person Board meeting in public due to COVID-19, in order to protect the health of Board members, Governors, staff, Trust members, the public, and all those who would normally attend a meeting in public; the meeting is instead being held remotely.

However, we are opening up the meeting to observers – please click this link Click here to join the meeting  before 09:00am on Wednesday, 28 July 2021 (you may then be held in the meeting lobby until an organiser accepts you to the meeting).

Following the meeting, the Trust Chair, David Walker, has also provided a public briefing on the meeting which can be viewed here.

00_BOD_Agenda_28 July 2021 v.2a

Easy Read Agenda 280721

44_BOD_Patient story (Perinatal) Board Cover Sheet 2021 v4

45(i)_BOD_09 June Minutes 2021 v.1a

45(ii)_BOD_Summary of Actions_09 June 21

46_BOD_Trust Chair’s report v.1b

47_BOD_CEO Board Report JULY2021

48(i)_BOD_OHFT Digital Strategy – 28 JULY 2021 BOARD – Cover Note

48(ii)_OHFT Digital Health & Care Strategy – Summary

48(iii)_OHFT Digital Health & Care Strategy – JULY 2021 BOARD

49_BOD_BAF TRR Report_July 2021_v2

50(i)_BOD_Integrated Perfromance Report – Cover sheet v.2 July 2021

50(ii)_BOD_Integrated Performance Report – July Board – FINAL

51(i)_BOD_Coversheet FFC strategy

51(ii)_BOD_OHFT Family_Friends_Carers Strategy 2021_2024 v2

53_BOD_Finance Report FY22 M3 public

54_BOD_Legal Regulatory update_Jul21

55_BOD_Sealing Register July 2021 v.2

56_BOD_Gifts Hospitality Register_ from Jan 2021 to July 2021 v.2

RR_App_40(i)_Directors Interests Coversheet July 2021

RR_App_40(ii)_Register_Directors_Interests_July 2021

RR_App_40(iii)_Register_Blackline register_July 21 against June 21

RR_App_41_BOD_Appendix 1 to BAF and TRR report_Full BAF_july 2021

RR_App_42(i)_Performance Report for Board – July 2021 meeting – FINAL

RR_App_44_Charity Committee Minutes_24 March 2021

RR_App_45_FIC_Minutes_20 May 2021_v5

RR_App_46_MHA Committee Minutes 27 Apr 21 v2

RR_App_47_PLC Committee Minutes 06 May 2021 draft v3

RR_App_48_QC_Minutes_13 May 2021 – v2 – amended

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Page last reviewed: 3 August, 2021