Integrated patient centred care
There is a natural affinity between the principles that underpin integrated care and general practice. This report draws on the experience of the RCGP’s members to make the case for integrated care; sets out the leading role that general practice can play in implementing it.”
General Practice and the integration of care RCGP Policy Report 2012
Read about the work by teh RCGP around Integration of Care, and the RCGP Person-Centred Care Toolkit which seeks to support GPs and primary care teams deliver person-centred care. It brings together key tools including social prescribing, collaborative care and support planning, shared decision making and health coaching.
The Person-Centred Approaches Core Skills Education and Training Framework from Skills for Health, Health Education England and Skills for Care puts people, families and communities at the heart of health, care and wellbeing.
An e-learning resource focusing on community-centred approaches to health improvement is available on the eLfH platform. The two modules cover the evidence and theory on why and how communities matter for health and what approaches work and provide exercises to apply the knowledge in practice and to help develop strategic and practical plans for developing community-centred approaches.
Personal Health Budgets (PHB) are one way to give people with long term health conditions and disabilities more choice and control over the money spent on meeting their health and wellbeing needs. An e-learning programme about PHB aimed at those who are supporting individuals to plan for their own care, introduces PHBs and explains how they work for people is available on the eLfH platform.
See the collection of improvement tools, resources and ideas on person centred care in BMJ Improvement Hub.
Sign up for Reshaping clinical care – News bulletin with the latest resources around dementia, long term conditions, older people & integrated care.
The CPD Zone is brought to you by the GP schools of Health Education England working across Thames Valley and Wessex, in association with Oxford Health FT Library.
Page last reviewed: 27 November, 2020