Resuscitation training
One of the common myths about CQC inspections of GP services relates to CPR
“CPR: This is mandatory. If a practice has not trained its staff, it would not have evidence that their staff could immediately respond to a person who requires resuscitation.”
CQC GP Mythbuster 1: Agreed principles for defibrillators, oxygen and oximeter
For full details of training requirements see the Resuscitation Council (UK) Quality Standards for Primary Care: Section 3 Training of staff including:
1 All staff in a primary care organisation, including non-clinical staff, should undergo regular training in resuscitation of both adults and children to the level appropriate to their role.
2 Staff should undergo such training at induction and at appropriately frequent, regular intervals thereafter to maintain knowledge and skills.
4 Clinical staff should have at least annual updates
6. Non-clinical staff generally should have annual updates also.
7. As a minimum, non-clinical staff must be trained to recognise cardiorespiratory arrest, summon help, start CPR using chest compressions.
The CPD Zone is brought to you by the GP schools of Health Education England working across Thames Valley and Wessex, in association with Oxford Health FT Library.
Page last reviewed: 27 November, 2020